Uniform Information
Uniform Requirements
The school uniform requirements are as follows:
- Bottle green sweatshirt/cardigan or jumper with or without the school logo
- Bottle green or white polo shirt/blouse with or without the school logo
- Black or grey pinafore dress/skirt/trousers/shorts. No jeans, leggings or jogging trousers.
- Black shoes (no logo and flat, no trainers)
- Book Bag for KS1 (Rucksack not needed)
- Wellies
- Plain grey/black, grey or bottle-green tights/black/white socks.
- Warm/waterproof coat.
- Waterproofs
- Pull on headscarves/hijab: These may be worn for religious reasons but must be in school colours – grey, green, black, white.
- Hairbands to be in school colours only – novelty hair accessories are not permitted.
- OPTIONAL: Green fleece for outdoor use
FOR PE: Children will need to come into school in PE kit on their class PE days.
- White or bottle green t-shirt
- Black shorts /tracksuit bottoms
- Trainers
- Black tracksuit top/ hoodie with or without the school logo
Hair should be tied back for PE
All uniform can be purchased and ordered from: Willow Farm Primary School — Buy online at Just-Schoolwear.co.uk
Labelling uniform
Can you please ensure that all uniform, including shoes and PE trainers, is clearly marked with your child’s name to ensure that if any item is misplaced it can be returned to you. We do have a large amount of lost property each term and this is the only way to ensure that items are returned to the correct person.
Any unnamed items are kept in the lost property box. At the end of each term, any items that remain unclaimed are given to the Friends of Willow Farm and sold as pre-loved items.
Jewellery and accessories
The following is allowed in school:
- Watch (excluding smart watches)
- Small hair accessories (of school colours).
- jewellery worn for religious reasons
The following is not allowed in school:
- Earrings;
- Nail varnish;
- Temporary tattoos;
- Brightly coloured hair dye;
- Elaborate hair accessories;
- Clothing with slogans.