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Willow Farm Primary School

Willow Farm Primary School

Year 6 - Lions

Welcome to the Lions’ class! Here are some of the important things you need to know about the class.

Staff in Lions: 

Mr Honey is the class teacher from Tuesday to Friday.

Mrs Kirkham teaches the class on Mondays.


PE will be on Tuesdays and Fridays this term.

On PE days, children come to school wearing their PE uniform. We will let you know which days we have PE each term, these will usually stay the same for the year.


Year 6 have the opportunity to go on a residential trip to Robin Hood's Bay during the summer term 2025. 


Our regular work includes reading, spellings and times tables practise using TTRS. We have a homework grid sent out on Seesaw every half-term to term to help support our classwork.

Contact Us:  

You can get in contact with the class teachers using the Seesaw app or using their email address: 

Mr Honey -

Mrs Kirkham -